I believe that I am in the cupcake mood! The first cupcakes I made, the post before this, were made from scratch. These cupcakes however are made from a box cake mix. They turned out really delicious! I made four different kinds, cinnamon, chocolate chip, plain white cake, and pineapple upside down cupcakes. When you use the box cake mix you can add any flavors to the batter, if you want to make multiple flavors out of one box than just separate the batter in to different bowls once mixed and then put in to the pan. The ones I am particularly proud of are the pineapple upside down cup cake ones.
As I did my research afterwards, I found that this is a common cupcake to make. However, for now I will appreciate them for what they are...Easy to make! So some recipes call for the whole pineapple slices or you can use the cut slices, either way I think it will be fine. Also you can use the whole cherry or half of one. The preference is yours.

Now once you have done this you want to place the pan in to oven at 350 F until the brown sugar and better have melted. **Keep and eye on it, should take but a minute or two** You don't want it to be bubbling just melted. Than add your cake batter on top of the melted sugar and then bake according to the directions on the box or in the previous post.
Once the timer has gone off, you want to flip the cupcakes over on to another pan or plate that way they can cool properly. If you let them cool in the pan, you run the risk of not being able to get the cupcake out of the cupcake pan. You can serve them hot or cold.
I served them with an icing from Paula Deen's Website. You have to scroll to to bottom of her page to review it. Here is how to make it. I added about 1 tsp of vanilla extract to mine (DON'T USE IMITATION!), just something about vanilla that cuts the sweetness just enough to be perfect.
2 tablespoons reserved pineapple juice
3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
As I did my research afterwards, I found that this is a common cupcake to make. However, for now I will appreciate them for what they are...Easy to make! So some recipes call for the whole pineapple slices or you can use the cut slices, either way I think it will be fine. Also you can use the whole cherry or half of one. The preference is yours.
1 can of pineapple slices or whole pineapple slices
1 box cake mix (yellow or white) or follow previous post for scratch made cup cakes
1 jar of maraschino cherries
1 cup of brown sugar
1/2 stick of butter
To prepare the pans, you are going to spray them or grease them with butter and flower. It works either way. I did not try this recipe with wrappers because eventually you bottom is your top. Than you want to lay the pineapple down in the bottom of the pan with a cherry in the middle.
Then sprinkle brown sugar on top of the cherry and pineapple and 1/2 tsp of butter. Now you make ask how much is a sprinkle. Well really this is going to bind everything together so enough to where everything is dusted with a little extra, you don't want to completely cover the fruit, than you run the risk of burning the sugar or even creating a really big mess :)

Now once you have done this you want to place the pan in to oven at 350 F until the brown sugar and better have melted. **Keep and eye on it, should take but a minute or two** You don't want it to be bubbling just melted. Than add your cake batter on top of the melted sugar and then bake according to the directions on the box or in the previous post.
Once the timer has gone off, you want to flip the cupcakes over on to another pan or plate that way they can cool properly. If you let them cool in the pan, you run the risk of not being able to get the cupcake out of the cupcake pan. You can serve them hot or cold.
I served them with an icing from Paula Deen's Website. You have to scroll to to bottom of her page to review it. Here is how to make it. I added about 1 tsp of vanilla extract to mine (DON'T USE IMITATION!), just something about vanilla that cuts the sweetness just enough to be perfect.
Pineapple Buttercream Frosting: Yield: about 2 cups
1/2 pound butter, softened2 tablespoons reserved pineapple juice
3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
Beat all the ingredients in a large bowl until well combined.
What is your favorite cupcake???
Happy Cooking!